If you have children starting pre school or kindergarten or even grade one you may like to start the children on this ongoing project.
An ABC book created by the child themself would be something they would treasure and would enjoy practising their ABC knowledge from. Creating it themselves also gives them ownership over the book by aloowing them to decided what pictures go in it! It will be a great reflection of their interests at the time also.
To create the book you will need 26 pieces of cardboard cut into rectangles or squares plus a front cover, yarn or string to join it together, pictures and decorations, glue, scissors and a pencil.
Use one piece of card for each letter. (You may wish to pre prepare these with a letter stcker or by writing the letter on, show the capital and lower case version of each letter also ie Ee)
Encourage the children to draw pictures or find pictures to cut out and glue on for that letter and decorate the card. You may wish to label each picture as well.
I would suggest creating the books over a number of days to avoid the children becoming bored, it could be a special project at quiet time for those who do not nap!
Once completed , create a fromt cover (My ABC's plus the child's name work well) and join together.
This idea could also be adapted to make a colour book, numbers 1 - 10, my book of animals, vehicles etc.
For more craft ideas check out www.ohmycrafts.blogspot.ca where this craft idea came from.