Thursday, 25 July 2013

Beach in a bottle.


This is a fun and easy craft to do after a trip to the beach.


  • 1 small plastic drink bottle with cap (PET bottle)
  • sand
  • small shells or beads
  • funnel
  • blue paint or food coloring (optional)


  1. Use a funnel to put some sand in the bottom of a cleaned out plastic bottle.
  2. Fill the the bottle with water.
  3. Drop in a few small shells or beads.
  4. Put in a few drops of blue food coloring to look like the ocean. (optional)
  5. Twist the cap on tightly.
  6. Shake and watch the sand settle to the bottom.
 Prep and Maintenance

If you use real beach sand instead of craft sand, you should wash the sand first. There are two ways:
1. Wash all the and beforehand in a big bucket.-hard
2. Put some sand in the bottle. Fill with water about halfway. Secure lid and shake vigorously. Unscrew lid and pour out water. repeat 3 or 4 times.-easy

Don't put too much sand, just enough to cover the bottom. If  you put too much, you won't be able to see the shells when they settle, they'll sink. The beads are a little lighter.

  • 1 plastic drink bottle with screw on lid
  • water
  • cooking oil (the clearer the better)
  • blue food coloring


  1. Fill the drink bottle about halfway with water and add a few drops of blue food coloring. Shake well.
  2. Fill the rest of the bottle with cooking oil and screw on the lid tightly.

The oil is lighter than the water and the two liquids won't mix. Shake it up and watch them separate. Tip to the side and watch the ocean roll. As simple as this craft is, it never ceases to amaze and entertain. For added effect, you could put a little sand at the bottom of the bottle, too. You don't have to limit yourself to just blue. Make a red lava bottle instead. Have fun!

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